Become location independent and close deals from anywhere

If you are stuck in a job and want more freedom in life to travel the world or just work from home, book your free consultation call today.

Emma Seewald

Who is this for?

We helped dozens of individuals to become location independent as a
remote closer last year.

Employees who feel stuck in their job

Professionals and Academics who want more freedom without making less money

Remote workers and aspiring entrepreneurs who would like to level up their money game

What We Do

Why Choose Us?

We help 9-5ers quit their jobs and become location independent remote closers.

Work from anywhere

Teaching you a proven skill to generate a high income while working from anywhere in the world.

Online income

Quit your 9-5 job, break out of the hamster wheel and replace your income with online income.

Flexible strategy

Creating a personal & flexible strategy which allows you to start living life on your own terms.

Remote Closer Mentoring

The Modules of the Program

Remote Closer Mentorship: Explore the Program Modules

Our first step is building strong fundamentals and get crystal clear on the real reason why you are doing all of this and what your goal is.

This is important so that you’re not standing in your own way.

We will give you some special tools and frameworks to implement so that so you have a clear vision and experience maximum success.

In the second step, you will discover all the secret principles and moving parts in a closing call, so that you can start closing deals over the phone immediately.

Without a proven framework or a script, you will be like an airplane without a navigation system, aimlessly flying around, not getting anywhere and wasting tons of money along the way.

All these principles and frameworks took me years and thousands of dollars to find out – I will literally uncover everything for you on a silver platter within a few hours.

With that information alone, you will know more than 99% of the sales closers out there.

In step 3, you will start roleplaying and practicing closing calls with your peers daily.

That’s super important so that you can gain confidence and implement your learnings in a safe environment.

You will practice sales calls with different personalities in the community to become a very well-rounded closer.

No judgment, just growth, and feedback.

Once a week, we also have a group training session where we draw someone for a hot seat to receive collective and detailed feedback on roleplays or real call recordings.

Additionally, we have a weekly mastermind call with the group where you can ask all your questions live.

To make sure you are really getting the results that you planned for, we assign you an accountability partner that won’t accept any BS or excuses from you.

Together with your partner, you’ll make sure that you both are on track each week.

In the last step, you will learn step-by-step how to connect with business owners and start making money with your new skill.

This can be a business, coach, consultant, agency or influencer.

Roleplay is good, but nothing goes over real-world experience and prospects.

So this is the time you will finally talk to real prospects and apply everything that you’ve learned to make your first commission checks.

So this is not a done-for-you – we will not do all the work for you. But it’s also not just consulting, meaning we won’t just give you a plan and then say goodbye and good luck. It’s a mix between done-for-you and consulting, we like to call it done-with-you. It’s a completely guided process with frameworks and assignments.

You’ll have access to me personally, I’m doing two 60 min group calls a week where there are usually between 2-8 people on the calls.

You also have access to me in more private 1:1 sessions to help you implement everything we talked about and customize it to your specific situation.

We have done-for-you elements as well. For example, the whole closing script that generated me nearly two million in revenue the last twelve months, we already have that and you can just practice with it, we might tweak a couple of things but we know it’s going to work. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

And whenever you get stuck, you won’t get left in the dark or have to figure things out by yourself. We work on a very intimate level with you and it’s kind of like we’re treating your success like it’s our own. When you get results, we can use your case study in our Marketing to help even more people to become free and live life on their own terms.

Apply Now

How does the
application process look like?

Follow the steps below in order to get more freedom and money as a remote sales closer

You apply for the free consultation call

In the first step you have to go to my short application form. By filling it out you are giving me some informations about your current situation and yourself so I know how I can help you the best.

A team member will contact you via WhatsApp

In the second step a member of my team will give you a short message via WhatsApp to interview you. We will ask you some questions about the things that you want to accomplish and what obstacles are keeping you from achieving your goals.

We coordinate an appointment together

In the last step we will coordinate an appointment together were we both have 1 hr consultation call. In our call we will create an individual step by step plan for your current situation.

Click Above to Book a Free Call Today and relieve yourself from the 9-5 grind.